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Recent content by Kyuu

  1. Kyuu

    Music: Physical vs Digital vs Streaming

    Digital and streaming. I have a lot of cassettes and CDs of my favorite singers and bands, but eventually the only store that sold them in my city went bankrupt. I still bought physical Kpop albums for my sister when we lived together because she liked the collectibles that went with it...
  2. Kyuu

    Aggretsuko - Season 2

    I love her xD Her posh officemates (the gorilla and the uhm ostrich?) were surprisingly nice, it was so cute!
  3. Kyuu

    Sonic The Hedgehog - Official Trailer

    It looks more like a Dr. Robotnik origin story with a side of blue furry.
  4. Kyuu

    The Great Detective Pikachu

    I played the game where the Pikachu voice was deeper and reaaaally out of place, so Deadpool Pikachu didn't bother me. The interactions were really well-done.
  5. Kyuu

    The Great Detective Pikachu

    The game: Pika. Pika pika... chuuu! A decent mystery game with linear storytelling, smooth gameplay and interface. The main draw is Pikachu (obviously) but it can get annoying when he randomly calls out to the player but it turns out he just wanted to show you his fluffy buns. It suffers from...
  6. Kyuu

    What are you playing right now?

    I just finished Detective Pikachu and now playing Brave Dungeon.
  7. Kyuu

    Alita: Battle Angel

    I think they made adjustments to the Alita model after it was criticized when the first trailer dropped. To me it seems like better shadowing was done around her eyes to give it more form instead of flat anime eyes.
  8. Kyuu

    Food from your part of the world

    If you have Facebook, our Foreign Affairs department has an official FB page and they compiled a list of Filipino food places all over the world: it's an album of images btw.
  9. Kyuu

    Sonic The Hedgehog - Official Trailer

    I've asked it the first time I watched this, I'll ask it again: WHY?!
  10. Kyuu

    Avengers: Endgame [spoilers]

    Three out of your four guesses are correct. I just watched it this morning.
  11. Kyuu

    Avengers: Endgame [spoilers]

    3 out of 4 is correct.
  12. Kyuu

    Food from your part of the world

    I love lamb... so difficult to find it here :(
  13. Kyuu

    Anime Opening Theme Thread!

    Blassreiter The anime that contributed to my disinterest in watching anime. Everything that I watched after finishing the Blassreiter series just paled in comparison. Didn't help that I was watching Time of Eve around that time too, so all mainstream anime looked like utter shite to me lol
  14. Kyuu

    Ultraman 2019 (Spoilers Hidden)

    Without spoiling anything, all I can say is that they've adapted the story to focus primarily on the action sequences. Which does lead me to wonder how they will handle the next arc, because that one is focused on drama, humanity and mortality.
  15. Kyuu

    Food from your part of the world

    I'm making this thread because of a conversation with @jigos on Discord. Basically, is there any food around where you live that you'd like to share with everyone here? I'll start with this: I'm from an archipelago in southeast Asia and our more commonly known local food is "adobo". Lesser...