Category: Tweets

I’m told by Nintendo fans that there is a cabal within the video game industry that is out to destroy Nintendo.

I got myself one of those unofficial replica N7 leather jackets that Commander Shepard wears in Mass Effect 3. Feels so geeky, yet so good.

Just ordered the Mario themed Hanafuda cards from Club Nintendo Australia for 3000 stars… so cool

I haven’t posted anything on in a while, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy… big things have been happening.

I have lots of free time in these next few months, I should start posting more entries on my site… in between playing all this vidya!

EB Games had a huge two month sale down here… I ended up buying something like 40-50 games. Is there such thing as too many games?

Dead Space 1 = Resident Evil 1 haunted house. So, DS2 = RE2 zombie city? If so… DS3 = Code Veronica! COINCIDENCE or CONSPIRACY?!

I’m posting so much on #miiverse it’s gotten me hooked… but I can’t draw to save my own life lol.

@Nintendo @NintendoAmerica @NintendoUK You’d get so many more people buying games on Wii U eShop if you had a PayPal payment option!

Today I’ve learned that you can store Wii VC and WiiWare data on the same card you use to store 3DS data without formatting the SD card.

I HATE “content not available in your country” messages when clicking on a link. This is the Internet, these restrictions shouldn’t exist!