Category: Articles

My first MMO: The Lord of the Rings Online

Ever since they came into existence, I’ve always thought that I’d be able to go through life never having to play any kind of MMO game… ever… never ever!

Remember 16

Okay, now that I’m on my summer break, it’s time to spend more time actually posting stuff in here that’s of some worth… or at least just a little bit of worth…

My memories of Metroid

Metroid is one of my favourite video game series of all time, however, due to the abomination that is Metroid: Other M, I am reconsidering that stance…

So much vidya, not enough time…

Oh man, I’ve bought so many video games and I want to play them all, but there’s just not enough time. There’s all this other stuff to do… but… I want to play my vidya!

Nintendo 3DS

When the Nintendo DS was released back in 2004 with its oddly shaped silver shell, it was quite the handheld revolution in many ways. Will the 3DS live up to the legacy?

E3 2010

E3 2010 has come and gone, as a result we’ve been buried in a tonne of awesome things to look forward to in the future. Be warned, this will be an epicly long post…

The ultimate power of art style and direction

It was quite awhile ago now, but when the first concept art for “Epic Mickey” was revealed, a lot of people got VERY excited. And how could they not?

Games that should be: Star Wolf

This is the first in the series of “Games that should be” articles, similar to the Game Spotlight articles but focused on games that don’t actually exist… BUT SHOULD!

Remembering classic video game soundtracks

Oldskool video game soundtracks are so cool. There’s a lot of music from really old video games that are so memorable and hold up today. They’re just so good!

What we want from Pokémon Black and White

A lot of us are gripped with a bit of Pokémon fever with the release of Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, and things are accelerating with the announcement of Pokémon Black and White.

Cing: When great developers fall under hard times…

This entry is obviously a reaction to the recent news that developer of Another Code/Trace Memory, Hotel Dusk and Little King’s Story, Cing, Inc. has filed for bankruptcy…