Everyone should go see Alita: Battle Angel
I just came home from seeing Alita: Battle Angel at the cinema and damn, I’m actually surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie.
Over the last few years, I’ve noticeably stopped going to watch movies as they come out at the cinema with the last movie I saw before Alita being Infinity War. Hell, for a long time Alita wasn’t even on my radar when it came to movies I wanted to watch for a very long time.
I wasn’t even aware it existed for a very long time until someone at work told me about it and showed me a trailer. From that very first moment, seeing that trailer, I was skeptical… and who could blame me? Another anime/manga adaptation is on the way? Of course it’s going to suck, all the other ones did!
I am so glad that the trend has been broken with Alita… this movie is actually pretty damn good, and while not perfect, I think it’s an excellent movie that has a lot of heart.
I really wish more people would go and see it, but I also understand that it’s a niche manga adaptation that no one is even aware of aside from the big names attached to the project.
So the question being asked right now is, “Okay, why is this movie so good, then?”
A big part of why Alita: Battle Angel works so well is all due to the talent of Rosa Salazar who completely sells you on the character… even with those big anime inspired eyes. Hell, I went through the entire movie not questioning the eyes at all, they felt natural when you sat back and watch it all the way through.
Salazar’s performance and her interactions with all the other characters feels… right. There are many moments in other movies where I have moments where I’m in disagreement with a character’s decisions and something doesn’t feel right about their actions because it doesn’t make complete sense. With Alita, I was with her all the way through the movie and every decision she made, even the silly ones, I agreed with.
It’s been a while since I bought a Blu-ray disc, but I’m definitely getting this movie on Blu-ray when it comes out. It is definitely worth it… and it’s definitely worth going to see at the cinema.
After posting this entry, I’m gearing myself up to write a Movie Spotlight about it… something I haven’t done in a long time actually.
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