“Gotta find the exit… Gotta find that exit, to Paradise!” 10th anniversary.
It really does amaze me… it’s been exactly 10 years since I started this website which was originally known as “Twilight Lynk” and became “Lynk Former” in 2012.
10 years.

Who knew that I’d still be here, writing up random articles about things no one will ever read, all because it’s fun. Though, now that I think about it, “The Bubblegum Crisis Center” which became “The Anime Crisis Center” lasted for 7 years. Not only that, it ended up spawning an online community of anime fans on my very own forum that we affectionately called “C3F” which continued into the “Twilight Lynk” era… wow, I’m getting a nostalgia high.
Speaking of nostalgia, check out that awesome art of me with Nene Romanova from Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 made by Rachel Asakawa all the way back in 2003 in the header image… man, FIFTEEN years ago!
I ran it through Illustrator to create a cheaply made vector of her line art, which was originally a pretty low resolution image (it was 2003, what do you want?) then coloured it, making sure to NOT shade anything because I’m keeping up with the style of the animated work on this site… and I suck at shading, so any excuse not to do it is a good one!
Who, out of anyone from the C3F days, would’ve ever guessed that I’d end up becoming a teacher. I wonder what everyone else has gotten up to since then… I know that Rachy has been going places with her cosplay career and I’m sure Chim is still drinking tea… maybe…
Now that there’s been 10 years of this website, I want to be able to continue it for another 10 years… there’s still more fun to be had.
I’m not really sure what I wanted to say in this entry since it’s kind of going all over the place. I guess I’m just really happy with the fact that this website has lasted this long and that, despite more happening in my life these days, I’m still able to find time to post entries about all the things that interest me.
Here’s to another 10 years!

- I can’t. I feel like that pervy teacher in a porn!26 July 2012
- The Anime Crisis Center returns!24 March 2019
- The mystery of Parasite Dolls23 March 2019
- This isn’t a battle anymore; it’s a motherfucking war!1 June 2010
- C3F is back!! Welcome to our new community forums!3 April 2019