Game Spotlight: Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Warning: This entry contains spoilers for Life is Strange and Life is Strange: Before the Storm.
Unlike my previous entries for the first season of Life is Strange that was split up into a spoiler free Game Spotlight and a separate spoiler-filled entry, I’m just going to go all out on my thoughts about Before the Storm in a single entry. Don’t worry, I’ll let you know explicitly when I start and stop talking about spoilers, and for the purposes of this entry, I’m going to refer to the first season as “Life is Strange” and this new game as “Before the Storm” to make things simple.
And yes, I’m writing this entry before the “Farewell” bonus episode is released where you get to play as Max Caulfield for the last time. I’ll probably end up writing a small entry for that once it’s finally released, but for now, I just want to focus on the main three episodes of Before the Storm.
Wow, okay. Here we go…
The first episode of Before the Storm came out on the 31st of August and, of course, I had already pre-ordered the entire game months in advance and made sure to pre-install it days before release on my Xbox One. However, I did manage to scrape together enough self-control to wait until all three main episodes of the game came out before I even launched it for the very first time. I’m pretty proud of myself for that achievement, because I REALLY wanted to play this game.
“Why would you do that if you really wanted to play the game so badly?” You may be asking. It’s simple.
For Life is Strange, having to wait for each episode to come out every couple of months added to the overall experience of the game because it allowed me time to reflect on the events of each episode. In my mind, I was literally putting myself into the game and obsessing about each and every little decision I made just as Max Caulfield would have done as her introverted self.

So when it came time to play Before the Storm, it made more sense to do things differently based on the fact that I was playing as someone very different from Max. I wanted my time with Before the Storm to feel… turbulent. I wanted that first playthrough to bite me with how fast everything was going and for me to bite right back, just as you would expect from Chloe Price.
Awake, dear heart, awake! Thou hast slept well. Awake!
For all of its faults, it’s not a perfect game, believe me, I know, but I fucking LOVE Life is Strange. It is one of my favourite games of all time, so much so that I bought it three times on Xbox One, PC and the limited edition version for PlayStation 4. It’s a game that is very dear to my heart, there’s just something about the way that it was made, the characters, the music, everything, that really hits all the right buttons for me. I fucking love it. (Stopping this train of thought right now before I end up writing an entire essay about the first game yet again.)

So, when I heard that a prequel was going to be created focusing on Chloe Price and Rachel Amber, you can imagine that I was pretty fucking hyped… which is why I decided that I was going to go on a total media blackout in regards to Before the Storm. I didn’t want to know anything about the game at all, I wanted it to be a completely new and surprising experience.
This wasn’t like with the first game where I was trying to figure out if it would actually turn out to be anything close to what I would enjoy, we’ve already passed that milestone. With this game, I trusted it enough to allow it to stand on its own based on what was right in front of me and nothing else.

Hell, I didn’t even know that Ashly Burch wasn’t voicing Chloe, or the fact that none of the voice cast were returning for their respective roles because of the 2016–17 video game voice actor strike. It gets even better, I assumed that Dontnod Entertainment were the ones who were developing this game, but I was even wrong about that! I mean, I was surprised when I saw the Unity logo pop up on-screen when I first loaded the game, but then I saw the Deck Nine logo and I thought to myself, “Is Deck Nine some kind of motion capture utility they used?”
It wasn’t until I hit the title screen proper that I saw that the game was developed by Deck Nine… and I still didn’t know who they were. Of course, after playing all three episodes, I did some quick research to learn more about them, and the more I learned about the development of this game after the fact, the more amazing this game became.
I mean no disrespect by that, but you really have to think about this in context. We’re talking about a niche title that is a prequel to another niche title, created by a developer who didn’t even know if this kind of game was going to be successful or not in the first place. So when the formula is established in that first game and your team takes up the mantle, creating this prequel game that lacks key gameplay mechanics and doesn’t even have any of the voice cast from the original game due to circumstances out of your control… holy fuck that’s an insanely steep uphill battle right there.
Yet, with everything seemingly against them, Deck Nine were able to work with the folks over at Dontnod Entertainment and Square Enix (even getting Ashly Burch in to do some writing) and created a game which is worthy of the original. Everything about Before the Storm felt so consistent that I was able to play through the entire game without feeling like anything was wrong or out-of-place.
Now that I think about it after playing through the entire game, I’m really impressed with how well the voice actors for Before the Storm were able to fit in so well with each of the returning characters. I’m sure if I watched a side-by-side video, I’d be able to spot the difference between each voice, but on a purely natural playthrough of the game, I honestly couldn’t tell the difference.
About the only thing different with this game was the fact that it ran on Unity instead of Unreal Engine 3. That was pretty damn apparent due to the lack of texture pop-in for every new scene, hah.

With everything about this game that was different, it didn’t matter, because as soon as I started up that first episode, it hit me in an instant. I had opened my eyes and found myself back in Arcadia Bay and everything was very familiar… the only difference was that I was looking at the world through the eyes of Chloe Price instead of Max Caulfield…
…and yeah, even though I knew Chloe wanted to leave so badly, it felt damn good to be back.
O brave new world, That has such people in ‘t!
I remember back when Life is Strange was still on everyone’s mind, Chloe Price was one of those characters you either loved or hated, there was no in-between with her. And while I can totally understand why there’s a lot of hate for Chloe, I hella don’t count myself among the haters. In fact, despite all her flaws, I really do love Chloe Price… partly because she reminds me so much of someone from my past (more the good things about her, not so much the bad), but also because I understand her… maybe a little too well.
So when it finally came time to see the world through her eyes in Before the Storm, each episode confirmed everything about her character that I already knew based on my own views of what kind of person she is. I felt completely connected to Chloe and really did see the world through her eyes. It didn’t feel like I was pulling her strings like a marionette, putting her through scenarios to see what would happen. Rather, it felt like her story was my story and that all the decisions made in the heat of the moment were completely natural decisions to make for me as Chloe.
Love her or hate her, you really do get a good look into what kind of person Chloe is in Before the Storm and, for those who didn’t before, start to understand why she is the way she is in Life is Strange. And sure, just like with Life is Strange, there are plenty of moments in Before the Storm that have that teenage angst and awkwardness laced throughout all of it. The common criticism with Life is Strange, and I’m sure Before the Storm as well, is that normal teenagers don’t talk like this and that it’s clearly written by adults who don’t understand what teenagers sound like.

Well, since I am a teacher at a secondary school, I end up spending a hell of a lot of time around teenagers, and I can tell you right now, both Life is Strange and Before the Storm do a really good job at distilling the teenager experience down pretty well. I know just how stupid and irrational they can be for no apparent reason, and these games manage to capture the spirit of that teenage stupidity and shortsightedness pretty damn accurately.
I guess that’s why I’m a lot more forgiving of this series than most other people tend to be. To me, all the character interactions in Life is Strange and Before the Storm make total sense because it’s all in line with the observations I’ve made of the teenagers I teach.
Yes, Chloe is infuriating at times and pretty fucking irrational, flying off the handle, making bad decisions, not thinking about her situation and being a total dick to everyone around her, but damn if it isn’t endearing.
The counterpoint to Chloe is, of course, Rachel Amber, who is handled in a very interesting way and is a force of her own when compared to Chloe. Here is a character who we have never met but have heard so much about from the first game. A character who has become so iconic to the series that she felt larger than life to us as the audience.
That’s why when Chloe encounters Rachel Amber for the first time, there really is a sense that Chloe and the player are in tune in terms of their perception of Rachel. To both you, the player, and Chloe, Rachel Amber is this unknown, mysterious element who you’ve only ever heard about through second-hand information. And it really is that mysterious quality about her, the girl who everyone talks about, that draws you/Chloe in.
The way the relationship between these two characters is handled is very fast paced and gives you little time to breathe at all. I’m sure some may find fault with that, but for me, that feeling was the perfect tone setter for both Rachel and Chloe’s journey. Here was this girl that is touted to be “oh so amazing” by everyone around her, so when you finally do meet her, the game does a pretty fucking good job at making her seem pretty damn amazing by keeping you off-balance the entire time you’re interacting with her.

As we learn more about Rachel, the layers begin to unwrap and you really do get a good sense about who she is… at least, the person she chooses to reveal to the rest of the world. Despite everything we learn about Rachel in Before the Storm, it didn’t break the air of mysteriousness about her at all. While Chloe is pretty fucking straight forward in almost every way, Rachel remains extremely hard to pin down and it shows, both at your own reaction to her and the way Chloe reacts to her.
The chemistry between Chloe and Rachel is handled brilliantly and the ultra fast pace of their relationship added to that teenage experience of jumping into situations without thinking that made it all feel very… nostalgic.
Everything was happening so fast that it became just as turbulent as I hoped it would feel when I decided to play all three episodes of Before the Storm in one go. I was hanging on every word Rachel said just as much as Chloe was in-game.

Along with Chloe and Rachel are the rest of the fine people of Arcadia Bay, some of whom are new to us, and a lot who are very familiar. I don’t know what it is about these slice of life fictional characters, but something about how normal some of these people are is a real joy. Especially when you’re so used to fictional characters being so over the top in their characterisations.
Before the Storm does an excellent job of painting all the shades of grey you can possibly imagine with these characters. As much as you would like to try to shift your view of the world into black and white and view people in such basic terms, the writing of this game reminds you that life is never that simple… it may be strange, even. (I had to.)
As much as I would like to go into more detail about each of these supporting characters, we’d end up getting too far into spoiler territory which I want to save for a later section. What I can say is that characters like Joyce, David, Rachel’s parents and even minor parts such as Nathan Prescott and Chloe’s friends, Steph and Mikey are all handled extremely well.
To thy strong bidding, task Ariel and all his quality.
As mentioned before, there have been quite a few technical improvements to Before the Storm over the original Life is Strange in terms of eliminating texture pop-ins by switching over from Unreal Engine 3 to Unity. However, another very striking improvement I noticed very early on was the facial animations compared to Life is Strange.

Holy fuck, there were so many moments throughout Before the Storm where I was totally stunned at how amazing the acting was on-screen… and I really do mean that just as I said it. Not only was the voice acting excellent, but the way the characters acted on-screen was absolutely brilliant. After playing the game, I heard that Deck Nine recorded the facial expressions of the voice actors in their recording sessions and probably used some other techniques to get everything to look natural.
Colour me impressed, because there were a lot of times when I was totally lost in the moment because of how well everything was done with those animations combined with the level of polish with the rest of the game.
I’m also impressed that they managed to find a way to add a gameplay element to replace Max’s time powers that felt truly in line with Chloe Price’s character. The backtalk challenges were all really enjoyable sequences because it is similar but very different to how Max did things.
With Life is Strange, Max’s powers allowed me to second guess my decisions and actions and it felt very natural for Max as a character to do such things. However, when it comes to Chloe, you have none of that advantage, everything about Chloe is being able to out-charisma the person you’re back-talking. That’s why I absolutely adore that little gameplay addition, it’s so fitting for Chloe and it’s handled in a really entertaining way.
Additionally, I also noticed that I handled the dialogue options a lot differently than I did when playing as Max in Life is Strange. There were moments when I knew exactly what to choose, but there were other moments when I had the option to ask a question or take an action that I didn’t actually go through with. In my mind, I/Chloe had the thought of asking that question or taking that action, but decided not to.
And of course, just like with the first game, who had Jonathan Morali from “Syd Matters” producing the music for Life is Strange, Before the Storm mirrors that by having the band “Daughter” producing a soundtrack more in line with Chloe Price and her view of the world.
It’s taken me a hell of a long time to actually write this entry because I’ve spent time in between writing different sections listening to the music from this game. On a side note, you wouldn’t believe how hard it is to legally buy this music when you live in Australia. I mean, sure these are indie bands we’re talking about, but I would have thought that the existence of the Internet would have mitigated such asshattery long ago… I guess not.

I really do love this soundtrack and all the bands that the game has brought to my attention. I also love how, despite the soundtrack being tuned more toward Chloe, it really does still feel like it is the soundtrack to Arcadia Bay.
Part of what resonates so strongly about this entire series is the music, and they’ve managed to capture something special yet again with the soundtrack to Before the Storm. There were A LOT of moments when I let the scene linger just to hear more of the music… so damn good.
Hell is empty. And all the devils are here.
Here we are again, let’s take a deeper look at the story told in Life is Strange: Before the Storm and focus in on each episode. Unlike the spoiler entry I posted for Life is Strange which went into detail about the choices I made throughout each episode, it seems more appropriate to focus more on the emotional tone of Before the Storm.
START of all the spoilerific content /
Episode 1: Awake
I’ve mentioned this constantly throughout this entry already, but I went into this game knowing very little about what I was going to experience. But as soon as the game started, I was already hooked.
Here I am, sitting in my soundproofed home theatre room with my big screen TV and surround sound system turn up, the lights are turned off, I’m so fucking excited to see what’s ahead of me… and that buzz of excitement was mirrored by Chloe who felt the same way about seeing Firewalk live for the first time.
From the very first second, this game took my own excitement and Chloe’s and used it as a way of emotionally synchronising us together. As Chloe was rocking out to the music, so was I, the emotional tone of the entire scene was set.
Then, I see Rachel Amber for the first time and my first thought is, “THAT’S Rachel Amber?!” As that thought popped into my head, I realised Chloe was thinking the same thing. The image of Rachel Amber before us was of this punk/goth girl and looked nothing like the Rachel Amber we had seen before. The surprise I was feeling at seeing Rachel in her punk/goth get-up was the exact same surprise that Chloe was expressing on-screen.
“Sometimes when you meet someone who’s going to change your life… You just know it, I guess.”
As far as first impressions go, this very first scene in Before the Storm’s first episode nailed it completely. As Chloe and Rachel were in the mosh-pit, the music blaring loudly in my home theatre, and the scene faded out, I was right in there. This game, again, had me completely, but this time it wasn’t at the end of the first episode, it was at the start.
I’m also really impressed by how well Chloe’s dream sequences are handled… they do a good job at evoking some very strong emotions.
After the initial high of the opening scene, it was nice that things got toned down the next day. It really did feel like it was just another day in Arcadia Bay and that’s how it was meant to feel. I have to say, one of my favourite moments of normality, and I’m pretty sure everyone agrees with me, is that pick-up game of D&D you play with Steph and Mikey.
It was handled so well with such flair in its presentation that I lost myself in the game just as much as Chloe had. I was totally geeking it out with Steph and Mikey and we were having so much fun. I loved how those two characters were introduced because the game made it pretty damn clear. These are my kind of people, not just because I’m a huge geek, but because, that’s who Chloe is as well, after all, she hung out with Max.
And yes, I did defend Nathan. I’ve already said it in the spoiler entry for Life is Strange but I cannot stand bullies. Though, to be perfectly honest with myself, I think I did it more because Samantha asked me to more than for Nathan’s sake. In any case, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Kids, if you ever see someone being bullied, don’t ignore it because that makes you just as bad as the bully. Do something about it, let the person who is being bullied know that they’re actually worth something in this world.
Anyway, things really start to kick off when you encounter Rachel Amber, this time, in her more recognisable every day girl style. This girl you know nothing about who is completely mysterious in your eyes is presented in such a way that her mysterious nature never grows old.
You and Chloe are both mesmerised by her charm and the way she’s able to lead you where ever she wants you to go. From the very first second she has you right where she wants you, and it’s great. I really did enjoy the time Rachel and Chloe spent in this first episode and it felt just as emotionally confusing as it should feel.
As for that final scene in the episode where Rachel starts the forest fire. It was intense, the way it was shot, the way it played out, the voice acting, the animations, everything about it was really on point.
I also love the ambiguity as to whether Rachel has any strange powers or not. For me, it felt like Rachel may have some kind of powers but she was never aware of them consciously. In a strange way, it shocked me to see that and my shock was mirrored by Chloe witnessing Rachel’s emotional outburst in the first place.
Episode 2: Brave New World
Jumping straight into the second episode after the first, because this time, I didn’t have to wait, we come to the inevitable consequences of Chloe and Rachel skipping school the day before.
And yeah, I wasn’t having any of Rachel’s bullshit with her trying to defend me and taking the blame. I wasn’t going to let her ruin her school life, even if it was her own passive-aggressive way of getting back at her dad.

So, I got expelled from Blackwell Academy and I took pride in that. We may have only been friends for a day so far, but with what we’ve been through so far, I’m loyal to my friends.
The scene afterwards with Chloe, Joyce and David was really well-played out. While I’m sure there are plenty of people who would give David some slack because of his eventual role in the first game, I was looking at this through Chloe’s perspective. David didn’t belong anywhere near her family and I stubbornly acted like a complete asshole toward him all the way through.
The tension during that scene was great, I really did get the feeling that I was in an actual family argument and it felt really awkward. At the same time, I was so in tune with Chloe’s feeling on the matter that I was totally in her corner, as irrational as she was being.
The rest of the episode progressed the overall plot, but I’ll leave my overall thoughts on that for later. For now, let’s focus more on Chloe and Rachel’s progressing relationship on day 2 of their turbulent “whatever this is.”
I will never look at The Tempest the same after playing this game.

When Juliet Watson couldn’t make it in time for the play and Victoria Chase couldn’t be her stand-in because she collapsed after we tricked her into drinking her own muscle relaxant laced tea… well, when Rachel tagged us in to play the part of Ariel, my eyes widened in shock just as much as Chloe’s.
Seriously, my heart was pounding in that moment and when the next shot was of Chloe standing there in her Ariel costume looking into the mirror, we both had the same emotions running through us. I was starting to get really nervous about this whole thing and was really glad that there was a copy of the script in front of me with my lines highlighted.
I read the FUCK out of that script and tried to memorise as much of it as possible. I mean, I know this game is constrained by its limited dialogue options, but I was right there with Chloe in not wanting to fuck this up.
When the play started, I was so nervous that I couldn’t sit down. I was literally standing up for the entire section of the game where you are in that play and my heart was pounding. As I chose each option, my heart pounded even more because I wasn’t sure if I was getting any of this right. I loved the way this game made me feel that way, I was really getting into it.
The icing on the cake for that entire sequence was that I absolutely NAILED it. So much so that Victoria Chase sent me an especially pissed off text message later on not believing that I played it perfectly. I had a pretty fucking huge grin on my face for that moment, I tell ya what.
“Excitement ages quickly. And I fear, if we set out in search of new fun, you’ll tire of me and then I’ll be alone.”
Again, this game nails the emotional tone with Chloe and Rachel’s relationship in these kinds of moments. So when Rachel starts ad-libbing lines to Chloe and exposing her feelings towards her in front of an entire crowd. Again, I felt exactly the same way as Chloe… exposed and open.
After the play, when they were walking the streets together at night and Rachel wanted to run away together with Chloe away from Arcadia Bay, I had several options where Chloe was able to cast doubt on the idea. I chose none of those and went straight for the “fuck it, let’s do this!” option.
And yes… I went for the kiss… but unlike the reasoning I gave for the kiss that Chloe and Max shared in Life is Strange, my reasoning for the kiss between Chloe and Rachel in Before the Storm was more around… we both wanted this to happen badly. The energy was in the air and the chemistry between them demanded it. It felt completely natural for this to be happening right now.
I really enjoyed the way the final scene played out in this episode. Finally coming face to face with Rachel’s parents was a very interesting scenario. One, because of what we know about Rachel’s dad… or what we think we know, and two, because it shows how much of a child Chloe is and how naïve and stupid she really is in the face of adults who know better than she does. She was 100% awkward around them and it was a great experience to have.
On top of that, I made a really interesting choice during the dinner scene with Rachel and her parents. Throughout the game so far, at every opportunity, I’ve chosen to backtalk people and give them all the sass I could muster, because that’s just who Chloe is.
However, during this dinner scene, when the option to backtalk Rachel’s father came up… I backed down. I backed down HARD, in fact. Because that’s who Chloe is, she can fuck around with her own family and other people, but when it came to Rachel’s family, she feels inadequate and realises she is just a child in comparison to them.
For Chloe to backtalk Rachel’s father, it wouldn’t make any sense because the only person who can truly do that is Rachel herself. So I backed down and allowed Rachel herself to confront her father, for her to have this moment as HER moment alone. Chloe, on the other hand was out of her element in this scenario.
And that last revelation in this second episode? Very well done. I was so glad that I waited for all the episodes to come out before playing this game because I jumped straight into the third episode.
Episode 3: Hell Is Empty

Continuing straight off, we finally get an explanation as to what has been happening with Rachel’s dad. No, he’s not having an affair, in fact it’s so much more complicated than that. I was really impressed by the way the game handled the back story of Rachel’s dad and her real mother. Looking through the viewfinder, Chloe and Rachel side-by-side.
This episode really does an excellent job at highlighting all the shades of grey in the world and how complicated the lives are of seemingly normal people.
On an aside, the dream sequence with William in this episode really hit something deep within me. I am so damn impressed with the way that each dream sequence escalated every time Chloe experiences one.
Chloe desperately screaming “DAD!” along with the bloodstain on the stage, the way everything felt so surreal and eerie. It all hit home really hard and even the way Victoria Chase calling out “boo!” so brazenly at the end fit into it really well, making it the right level of absurd it needed to be.
Again, I’m so glad I waited to play this game until all the episode had come out, because this episode gets very turbulent in many different ways. I was out there with Chloe making a whole lot of bad decisions and I was regretting them along with her as they happened.
One such decision involved David and his peace offering which I really liked. Looking at the statistics for that episode, I think over 90% of players chose to take David’s photograph of him and his comrade. It seems pretty clear that the ratio of people taking this photograph was so high because of the general feeling people in North America have toward people with military service.
However, I was in tune with Chloe on this one. In her life right now, she’s being stubborn and pigheaded and nothing David can do can change her mind about him. I let that photo drop and I fucked right off out of that house. I was being the biggest asshole to Joyce and David and I didn’t care. All that was on my mind was Rachel.
So when it came time to make that final decision, just like with the first game, I knew what I had to do… and it exemplified a fact that has been pointed out in this series time and time again…
Everybody Lies, No Exceptions.
When it came time to reveal the truth to Rachel or hide it from her in order to protect her. I lied and hid the truth from her.
So why did I do this, lie to Rachel Amber? Because when you love someone, you end up doing terrible things for their sake. Just as James Amber had done for his daughter, just as Max Caulfield did for Chloe in my playthrough of Life is Strange.

And yes, it may end up being unforgivable, but that is the choice I made because it is an inevitably that yes, everybody lies, no exceptions.
It sets up, so well, who Chloe and Rachel both become that leads us into the events of Life is Strange, because their friendship started off on an extremely turbulent ride and was sealed with a lie.
As much as Chloe wanted someone to be close to, it was clear that Rachel couldn’t be the person who Chloe wanted her to be. Knowing how things turn out, the path between the end of Before the Storm and the start of Life is Strange is very clear.
It’s heartbreaking to see it as someone who is already aware of those events and to watch Chloe being completely oblivious to it in her naïvety… but such is life.
/ END of all the spoilerific content
Was ‘t well done?
Clearly, after all that, it’s pretty damn obvious that I love Before the Storm. I love it just as much as I love the first game, and sure, it too has its own flaws, but these can easily be forgiven.
I mean, I know what I like and what I don’t like. The less said about The Last Jedi, the better, but I didn’t like that movie and I knew I didn’t like it the more time passed when I was sitting there in the theatre watching that movie.
With Before the Storm, the more I played it, the more I loved it… and I’m glad I’m at a point in my life where I can articulate pretty damn well why I hated The Last Jedi and love Before the Storm so damn much.
I fucking love this game.
Also, as a little gift for anyone who has read this entry… I discovered that the ending credits track called “Max & Chloe” from the Life is Strange soundtrack and the end credits track called “Glass” from the Life is Strange: Before the Storm soundtrack are actually companion pieces. I posted up a video on YouTube of both tracks mixed together… and all I had to do was just place one song near the end of the other and have the sustained tone from one lead into the next. They really ARE companion pieces and it’s fucking awesome!
Anyway, I’m off to write another entry on Nier: Automata which is also fucking awesome.
See ya later, fuckers!

- Life is Strange, choices are hard, people are complicated… but in the end, I knew what I had to do10 November 2015
- Farewell Arcadia Bay: Part 116 March 2018
- Farewell Arcadia Bay: Part 210 April 2018
- Game Spotlight: Life is Strange29 October 2015
- “Gotta find the exit… Gotta find that exit, to Paradise!” 10th anniversary.11 June 2018
What the developers succeeded is in putting a face and a voice on Rachel Amber, the girl being nothing more than a passing name and mystery in the first game. I must say that they concentrated on the positives of her, rather than delving much into what happened afterwards (Frank, Jefferson etc.). By thus portraying her in such a good light, the free spirited happy girl, makes it much harder to accept her faith in the second game (I replayed it for even more "feels").
Overall IMHO, the prequel fell short of the original game (and that was to be expected), albeit with a very heart-warming second part of episode two. The main mechanic of the first game, time powers, missing here made it feel more narrative driven. And in part I think its success rests exactly on the connection with the first game, and the thirst of players for more content in the LiS universe.
@0700700: It's only been a little over three weeks since I finished Before the Storm, but I have spent a lot of time thinking about this game and, in particular, Rachel Amber.
IMHO, this game is just as good as the first, and you start to realise why that is when you start to question whether Rachel Amber is as good as the game presents her to be on the surface.
The problem with Rachel Amber is that she's TOO much of a free spirit and as mysterious as the game tries to make her out to be, each character in Before the Storm has a piece to the puzzle that is Rachel Amber.
Different characters mention different character traits that Rachel Amber has which are true to who she is. By themselves, these character traits are pretty harmless, but together, they cause... a perfect storm, as it were.
She's a great actor, better than people give her credit for because she's ALWAYS acting. As close as Chloe got to her, she never really let Chloe in to see the true Rachel Amber, the one she always hides... hell, at this point, I'm not sure if Rachel Amber knows who the true Rachel Amber is any more, the fact that she's been putting on airs for all this time leads me to believe that she's lost herself long ago and doesn't want anyone to find out.
She's completely impulsive and if it wasn't for the fact that she's extremely intelligent and seems to be good at everything she does, this impulsiveness would lead many others to show how unreliable a person they really are. However, with Rachel Amber, this is less apparent, but that's what makes her even more dangerous to someone like Chloe who needs someone who counters and suppresses Chloe's own impulsive nature.
Her enigmatic nature draws people to her, like a moth to the flame. As William puts it, "Fire is jealous, Chloe. It wants all the beauty for itself. That's why you need to be careful... of getting burned." This is a brilliant way to frame what Rachel Amber represents to Chloe who is totally taken by her at this point.
The interesting thing is that while every character in the game is taken with Rachel Amber in some way, the one person who isn't is Eliot. He may be obsessed with Chloe to the point of stalking her (seriously, the only people who know the definition of what a stalker is are people who deal with the law as their jobs and stalkers themselves), but he can also see the dark side of who and what Rachel Amber truly is.
He isn't wrong when he says that Rachel Amber is using Chloe, though, it definitely wasn't the grand scheme he makes it out to be in his explanation, rather just dumb luck that Rachel found Chloe.
Think about it, they form a connection at the concert, Rachel bumps into her the front of the main building at Blackwell Academy and this is where she starts to draw her in. Rachel was going to go to that park by herself in the first place, but she charms Chloe into tagging along and this is where the manipulation starts.
From the game they played on the train, we find out she has exceptional observational skills and keeping in mind that she's a great actor, just think back to how she acts around Chloe in every situation she's with her throughout that day. It. Is. Brilliant. She played Chloe like a damn fiddle!
She was so good at it, that she was able to make most players take the fall for her the morning after when they've gotten busted. Then the rest of the game you see Rachel manipulating Chloe more and more and more... and both you and Chloe let her.
Added on to all of this, Rachel ends up taking after her mother considering all of the things you find out about her in Life is Strange. How she's been sleeping around with both Frank and Jefferson, and how David found drugs in Rachel's bag because she was Frank's drug mule. We also find out that she's a drug user herself, I mean harder stuff than just weed.
From my understanding of Rachel Amber's character, it seems like, because she doesn't know who she is herself, she's trying to understand who her mother is by doing the things she did in her younger years as some fucked up way of finding out who the true Rachel Amber really is.
So yeah...
Rachel Amber is totally wrong for Chloe Price. She always has been but Chloe was too blinded by her charm to see that. While Chloe felt that she needed Rachel, Rachel didn't really need Chloe. Unfortunately for Chloe, Rachel Amber did more harm to her than anything else and continuously manipulated her to the very end... and the sad thing is that, if you had the chance to really talk to Chloe about all of it, you'd never be able to convince Chloe of any of this.
She loved Rachel so damn much and Rachel didn't even deserve how much Chloe loved her.
@Lynk Former: Oh no, my very lengthy reply seems to have disappeared.. It was up here yesterday, did you manage to read it?
What I was saying, summarized unfortunately, is that after playing the game one more time, I've let your comments sink in a bit more. The scene with William at the bonfire, was particularly striking. You are correct to state that this is indeed a warning about Rachel (and her fiery nature as can be seen in episode 1's ending), and her influence on Chloe. This coupled with Chloe's opening up to Rachel, stating that she has no friends and doesn't want to screw "whatever that is" with Rachel, puts her in a position where she can be easily influenced. This itself is enough for someone, in Rachel's position, to abuse this position of trust in order to further one's goals.
On the other side there are a couple of things that point to Rachel not being quite as negative as we make her out to be:
1) She's a 15/16 year old. She is not expected to be thinking like an adult. As such there is little inherent value for her to hold a friendship with Chloe, besides friendship for friendship's sake. Chloe is not rich, she can't further Rachel's goals for modelling/fame. She can only offer a true friendship. We see Rachel, if you look at the first season, getting what she wants from people that way, but I think not with Chloe.
2) Going on from the last point, Rachel is such a popular girl, that she can make friends with pretty much anyone. It wouldn't make sense for her to be so emotionally attached to Chloe, if there wasn't something real in the relationship. The way she wants Chloe to be with her, in the episode 2 ending episode 3 beginning, with the spyglass would attest to this.
3) In the truck in American rust, Rachel reveals to Chloe, that thanks to her she can really be herself, and not have to act.
Overall i'm not convinced she was an inherently bad person, and that she didn't need Chloe. I think that, with rights of passage, Rachel became less the person that they portrayed her in BtS. The letter in Chloe and Rachel's hideout in season 1, talks about Rachel not wanting to hurt Chloe. She realizes things have changed, yet she still feels something real for Chloe.
@0700700: Don't worry, I did read your original reply since new comments are automatically emailed to me.
As damning as my last reply to you made Rachel Amber out to be, I am well aware that she's a teenage girl and that teenagers tend to be a certain way. I know very well because I'm a secondary school teacher down here in Australia, and while I only have a few years of teaching experience, you do get a lot of insight being around so many at once almost every day.
Rachel, Chloe and Max are excellent representation of teenagers in that they each have their very obvious flaws which are amplified even further by the fact that they're teenagers. Max's flaws are less apparent and mostly benign, but her time powers do allow her to exploit others due to her own insecurities, etc.
Yes, Rachel is 16 during the events of Before the Storm and she is a teenager, not an adult. However, you have to realise that you're still viewing her actions as you would an adult in what you say next about her actions during the game.
The key thing to remember about teenagers is that they don't follow logic and reason very well, mostly because of hormones and the physical changes happening with their bodies/brains, but also because they simply do not have life experiences to draw from.
So without logic and reason, teenagers are irrational beings trying to make sense of the world around them. The best way irrational beings do this is by viewing the world through an emotional lens rather than a pragmatic lens.
When Rachel clings to Chloe, she does so because she needs emotional support and Chloe is the only other person who is there, not because Chloe is a supportive person or that she has high emotional resilience, it is simply because she is there, a person Chloe has only really known for, at that point, 2 days. Remember, the timeline of events for Before the Storm occurs over THREE DAYS.
And you know what? While there are a lot of people on the net who say that's unrealistic, to me, as a teacher, making the observations I've made of my students... that is totally realistic. I've seen teenage girls become BFF's in less than 3 days and then other instances when life long friendships have been scuttled just because of some silly little argument... and then that's that. They're not friends any more and go their separate ways.
Hell, I've also seen one girl bang her head on a wall so hard that she gave herself a concussion while I happened to be walking by. Why did she do it? Because her boyfriend of 2 weeks was chatting up another girl. Does it make sense that this girl was so emotionally attached to her boyfriend of 2 weeks that she would try to knock herself out? Nope, but to a teenager, we're not dealing with logic and reason, we're dealing with emotional thinking that leads them to cling to anyone and anything that can they think can help them.
Unfortunately, teenagers end up clinging to people like them most of the time, other teenagers who lack emotional resilience and have no experience to deal with any of this crap.
Just the way Rachel clings to Chloe in her time of need and the way Chloe clings to Rachel in her time of need. Neither of them have the emotional maturity to really help each other. Chloe feels like all she has is Rachel... Rachel, as time progresses, finds others.
So yeah, I'm not saying Rachel is a bad person... I'm just saying she's a very accurate representation of a teenage girl. Same with Chloe, same with Max. They're all very different people, but they're all very accurate to how teenagers tend to handle situations.
That's kinda why I'm amused whenever I see fan art of Rachel and Chloe or Chloe and Max and it's all very flowery and they're the perfect loving couple or the best of friends and all that. I mean, I get that people want to experience their hopes and dreams through these characters, that's cool... but it's also the opposite of what this series portrays: Flawed people who don't have the ability to look into themselves to see their own flaws and start helping themselves... which, in reality, is practically everyone.