I think I bought too many games at once… and we’re not talking about a Steam sale here.
This year has been pretty dry on the video game front for me compared to previous years. For the first half, I only really bought a few Wii U games and spent time playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, there really wasn’t much going on. This changed during my mid-year break when I finally had time to myself instead of constantly being bombarded with uni assignment after uni assignment. During this time, EB Games was holding its mid-year sale… It was a perfect storm. I had the money, the time and the craving for video games… I ended up buying a hell of a lot of games during the month of July, perhaps too many?
Here we go… these are all of the games I bought in the entire month of July.
Microsoft Xbox 360
- Alpha Protocol
- Anarchy Reigns
- Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
- Bayonetta
- BioShock Infinite
- Catherine
- Dead Rising
- Dead Rising 2
- Darksiders
- Darksiders II
- Devil May Cry HD Collection
- Dishonored
- Dark Souls – Prepare to Die Edition
- Eternal Sonata
- Lost Planet 2
- Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
- Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
- Perfect Dark Zero
- Prince of Persia
- Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
- Rayman Origins
- Sonic Generations
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
- Tomb Raider
- Tomb Raider: Underworld – Limited Edition
- Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
- TrabsfirnersL War for Cybertron
- Zone of Enders HD Collection
Nintendo DS
- Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
Nintendo Wii
- Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo
- Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Nintendo Wii U
- Donkey Kong (Wii U Virtual Console)
- EarthBound (Wii U Virtual Console)
- Harvest Moon (Wii U Virtual Console)
- Kid Icarus (Wii U Virtual Console)
- Kirby’s Dream Land 3 (Wii U Virtual Console)
- Mega Man 3
- Mega Man 4
- Metroid (Wii U Virtual Console)
- Mighty Switch Force: Hyper Drive Edition (eShop)
- Pikmin 3 (eShop)
- Pilotwings (Wii U Virtual Console)
Sony PlayStation 3
- God of War III
- Heavenly Sword
- inFAMOUS 2
- Killzone 3
- Last of Us, The
- Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
- Resistance 3
If I’m counting this correctly… I bought 52 games total over five systems. Naturally, most of them are for the Xbox 360 since that has been my console of choice for multi-platform titles. Admittedly, I could have bought a whole lot more if I had bought multi-platform games for the PS3 as well… good thing I didn’t cause I’ve ended up spending a lot of money on all of these games, however, since most of these games were bought through the EB Games sale I mentioned earlier, the overall cost was only a fraction of what it would have been if I had bought these games at full price. For the record, the only games that I had bought for full price in this list are those listed under Wii U. Most of these games were less than a third of the full price, some were even 9AUD new.
- Vidya of 200830 December 2008
- Virtual Portable Console “…we have no plans for that…”21 June 2009
- Remember 1631 October 2010
- E3 2011 Predictions: There can be only one!!2 June 2011
- Limited Collector’s Ultimate Special Director’s Cut Edition with exclusive content16 January 2010