I think it’s time we blow this scene, get everybody and the stuff together…
Don’t be alarmed, it’s only the end of the world…
Okay, it’s nothing that dramatic, I’m just going through the process of turning Twilight Lynk into Lynk Former… erm, dot com… lynkformer.com
- Step 1: Get rid of the extra stuff that Twilight Lynk used but the new site doesn’t, most importantly, the forum.
- Step 2: Do a bit of rejiggering with Twilight Lynk’s template to turn it into the new site.
- Step 3: ????
- Step 4: PROFIT!!
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Hello, Lynky-bo-binkie.
@Bob Lion54: 'ullo Bobicus Lionus! _o/
This works on my iPhone
Ah! Here we go!
Nope. Still an egg.
Phone test