Trooper Log #10: Havoc Squad’s new assignment
This Trooper Log series is posted simultaneously and in full on both my personal blog, Twilight Lynk, and StarWarsMMO.net. Enjoy!
Lynk Former and Havoc Squad embark on a mission that could spell the end of the Republic if they fail.
Warning: This entry contains spoilers from Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Mission Log
After a short period of rest and relaxation and a visit to Nar Shaddaa to take care of some business for Jorgan, Havoc Squad went back on duty. As always, we headed back to Coruscant to receive our orders from General Garza. When we arrived, there was little time for pleasantries, the Imperials were already on the move with a new weapon more powerful than the last. Instead of cloaking technology we had to deal with a ship with a weapon powerful enough to destroy a capital ship in one shot even with full shields.
This ship needed to be destroyed and only Havoc Squad could do it… however, as talented as the current members were, we lacked the necessary manpower to get this particular job done. The first candidate we needed to recruit into Havoc Squad would take us into Balmorra.
I can’t say I’m a fan of Balmorra, it’s a planet with plenty of grasslands and mud, lots and lots of mud, though aside from that it has a lot of weapon factories and development facilities that are very important to the Republic… which is exactly why the Empire invaded the planet in full force. Of course, my main priority was to track down a Republic demolitionist by the name of Tanno Vik, a Queequay who constantly flouts the rules and does whatever the hell he wants for profit and fun.
It took Elara and I quite a while to finally track Vik down and when we did he had us jumping through hoops for his “profitable mission” which involved a cache of Balmorran weapons Vik would “liberate” from the Imperials. Of course, as things would go, Vik’s plan didn’t go very well and we had to bail him out before he got himself killed. While Vik did lose out on making his profit, I think the only reason he decided to join Havoc Squad was because it would be fun and because if he didn’t, the alternative would have him thrown into a prison on some lonely desolate world somewhere in the outer-rim.
Personal Log
Quite a lot has happened in the time between Taris and now as we head to Balmorra… my relationship with Elara has certainly sped up after that initial icy beginning and things are finally heating up… though I don’t want to talk about too many specifics, I can say that things are heading in a good direction.
On the other side of things, after rescuing Tanno Vik from being a scorch mark on the ground, it seems that while we may need his demolition talents, Havoc Squad could do without his more disreputable qualities. He and I don’t really see eye to eye on a lot of things and I can’t condone a lot of what he does.
Computer Log
By the beginning of the second chapter of the Trooper storyline it became pretty obvious that the writers were taking some pretty heavy inspiration from Mass Effect. The entire first chapter mirrored the first Mass Effect game and right as you start chapter 2 it’s become obvious that this next chapter will follow the path of Mass Effect 2. It’s not really a complaint as much as it is an observation, though having played through the Trooper story in full now as I type this, at least it doesn’t have a horrendous ending like the end of Mass Effect 3… just generally underwhelming.
- Name: Lynk
Class: Trooper Vanguard
Level: 36
Man, uni has really taken over my life these days… but at least I got this done. Ah! I need to get back to doing assignments!!
- Trooper Log #3: Arrival on Coruscant, a city divided4 January 2012
- Trooper Log #5: Taris in ruin and the Rakghoul plague20 January 2012
- Trooper Log #7: Tatooine, a backwater planet on the edge of nowhere29 February 2012
- Havoc Squad!10 May 2014
- Trooper Log #9: Showdown with Tavus and the rise of Lynk Former30 April 2012