Trooper Log #9: Showdown with Tavus and the rise of Lynk Former
This Trooper Log series is posted simultaneously and in full on both my personal blog, Twilight Lynk, and StarWarsMMO.net. Enjoy!
Lynk and the members of the new Havoc Squad finally faces off against the traitors to the Republic he’s been hunting all along.
Warning: This entry contains spoilers from Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Mission Log
Alderaan is now behind us and another former member of Havoc Squad has been taken down, the only two surviving members, Wraith and Tavus, are still out there working with their Imperial allies, but not for long. As soon as Havoc Squad left Alderaan we were ordered back to Coruscant, the time had come, we had finally tracked down Tavus to his operation aboard a prototype Imperial destroyer with a working cloaking device. General Garza dispatched us immediately to infiltrate the ship where we would pose as one of Tavus’ many thousand men that have been supporting his efforts throughout the galaxy.
For a ship that was meant to be kept secret, our route in was straight through the front door, Dorne and I simply walked out of the ship and into the hanger. Havoc Squad’s missions against Tavus had made his operation sloppy. He was rushing to rally his troops and his carelessness would cost him. We would keep the subterfuge for as long as we needed. The first step would be to plant charges in the hanger, the next step wouldn’t be so easy. The security may be lacking but it wasn’t non-existent. We finally triggered the alarms heading for engineering and a heavy fire fight occurred through every corridor we went down.
When we finally reached the engineering section we were greeted by a small surprise. Wraith, the former Havoc Squad member who eluded us on Port Raga faced us for the first time. She may have been able to hold her ground if we had faced her back then, but now the new Havoc Squad was strong… stronger than the old. Wraith went down and Tavus was next, though to get to him we’d have to face an onslaught of his men trying to stop us all the way to the bridge.
On the bridge we found Imperial banners everywhere… this was who Tavus was now, and although he feels betrayed by the Republic and has his reasons for doing what he’s doing, that doesn’t justify the wrongs he’s committed, attacking and endangering the lives civilians. The man had lost sight of why we serve as military officers and he needed to be stopped. Our battle was short and though he had more experience, I think the man knew he was beaten even before our fight began. Before taking him out for good, I made sure to take him into custody, he needed to face the charges for the crimes he committed… and perhaps he can find it in himself to realise what he has done and help make it right in some small way. Only time will tell and although we’ve come this far, the work will never end for Havoc Squad.
There’s still a war brewing out there and Havoc Squad will need to be there on the front and in full force to tackle it head on.
Computer Log
So here we are, the beginning of the Former legacy on the Vornskr server, a legacy that for a long time will be waiting for the 1.2 update and gaining legacy level after legacy level. By the time the 1.2 update for The Old Republic hit, my legacy level was 32 or 33 and I was already qualified for a lot of the features available on the system… though not the ones that require you to spend millions of credits to buy such as the Rocket Boots/Jet Pack (only for Bounty Hunters, bah!).
To explain, for those of you who are probably wondering, the name “Lynk Former” is something I came up with when I was still a kid back in Primary School. It’s the name of an X-Wing pilot who was my Star Wars persona… haha, I was so lame back then, but then name has stuck with me on the Internet and I wear it proudly. When The Old Republic was announced and I made the decision to invest in it, that name had to be used no matter what. It was meant to be…
Anyway, going back to the Legacy system itself, a few things have been unlocked so far, a few character species here, a few social emotes there and some presence bonuses and buffs here and there, though the items that require me to spend some money have been untouched. I haven’t bothered to buy myself a mailbox for my ship or a GTN station and definitely not the rocket boots/jet pack. I mean, between the legacy features that need money to be unlocked or buying another vault for my guild bank? I choose to spend my money on buying that extra vault.
Of course, this is only the beginning of the legacy and although most of what is on offer does seem like it’s a little too much to invest in, there are some really awesome aspects of the legacy that come into play when you realise that you can send mail from one of your legacy toons to another on the opposite side of the faction line. The other great aspect about legacy is getting the buffs from other classes provided you have passed Chapter 2 with one of the classes under your legacy name.
BioWare will be bringing more to their legacy system, I just hope its more things that don’t require me to spend too much money at once.
- Name: Lynk
Class: Trooper Vanguard
Level: 30
It’s been a very crazy month, can’t believe I even got this log done…
- Trooper Log #10: Havoc Squad’s new assignment31 May 2012
- Havoc Squad!10 May 2014
- Trooper Log #7: Tatooine, a backwater planet on the edge of nowhere29 February 2012
- Trooper Log #5: Taris in ruin and the Rakghoul plague20 January 2012
- Trooper Log #3: Arrival on Coruscant, a city divided4 January 2012