This isn’t a battle anymore; it’s a motherfucking war!
For some odd reason, I completely skipped out on the fact that Twilight Lynk hit its first anniversary a year back… but not this time.
Once a webmaster of an anime site; the bodies of anime babes littered my mind… Much has changed since then; anime no longer has any value for me and the true video gamer that I’ve always been has taken over once again. This was my chance to engage in a web site about something that I truly loved, something I could share with others… but everything I wrote about in my first entry on this site hasn’t gone according to plan. While this site has gotten some nice traffic coming in, it seems that the community interactions I talked about long ago aren’t as active and lively as I thought they would be. Here, there are few who post and many who lurk. And through this all, one truth is constant: I’ll still post blog entries even if people don’t comment on them. I won’t walk away from it, I’ll keep posting and say what I have to say… This is MY “Desperate Struggle”…
Hold it you video game loving bastards! Before we start our desperate struggling, you should drop a nice save…
/ end introduction with No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle references thrown in just for fun.
You know my name
Everyone in the community who is still active knows who I am; I’m just some guy from Australia who happens to like video games a whole lot and can be bothered spending time and money writing about it for his own amusement on the interweb.
Though, it’s a shame there aren’t any new people in here who don’t actually know anything about me at all. Despite the set backs, I’ve enjoyed the last two years with Twilight Lynk. I’ve had more fun adding content to this site than I have through all that time I spent with The Bubblegum Crisis Center and then The Anime Crisis Center after that. As I’ve already stated in the intro, video games are my true passion and no matter what fad may come and go, video games are always here to stay for me.
What’s been going on with this place?
I’ve posted up many entries over these last two years… 59 (not including this one) if I counted that correctly from the archives bit on the sidebar. I’ve talked about many things, some of which were interesting… and some of which weren’t very good entries at all. I’ve had some surprise hits though such as the Stunts entry I posted not long ago. From time to time this place gets a surge of traffic depending on what kind of entry I post up. Some of them seem to draw in quite the crowd… the kind that doesn’t stay, unfortunately.
While newcomers are non-existent, I’ve decided that I should try to do my best to keep the small…tiny community I have right now happy. So, with that in mind, I’ve opened up SMS, or the “Supplemental Manuscript Sector”… as named by our very own maverick187.
SMS is a guest blog for members of the Twilight Lynk community to post up entries just like I do with Twilight Lynk. It’s pretty quiet at the moment, but I’m sure in the coming months, more and more members will join in and it’ll probably end up having more posts per month than my blog lol. I haven’t done much yet, but I’m going to try to do what I can to give the SMS site and your entries more exposure. Hopefully, in return, you guys can help in your own way to make this place a little more active.
What do you have planned for the future?
E3 2010 is coming up very soon, and before that I’ve got some things I want to talk about as well as a dual Game Spotlight for No More Heroes and No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle. I’m hoping that I can post more than 6 entries this month so I can beat the record set last month. I’m also hoping that I can keep up that pace from now on in order to keep this place active in some small way.
I’ve recently renewed the domain and hosting for another 2 years, but I do think this place will last longer than that. Of course, to make that future a more active one, I’m going to have to come up with ways of getting NEW members in here who will stick around and become a part of the community. This is really where the desperate struggle part comes in. It’s a very difficult thing to do to get exposure for a web site and also to have those visitors come back for more. What drives people to sites like this is the existence of unique content that they can’t get anywhere else… and Twilight Lynk isn’t exactly unique considering there are a fuck tonne of blogs run by regular people.
Of course, I have spent the money to get this place up and running, and I’ve spent enough time and effort on it to get the entire thing this far. I’m going to see what I can do to make this place last into the future…
I’ve talked about a lot of what I’ve been doing with this place, but I was wondering about what you guys thought about Twilight Lynk. What is this place to you? …More importantly, how do you think I could make this place better than it is now? It’s not quite there yet, but I want to make this place even more successful than what The Anime Crisis Center ever was… and I know the only way I can do that is with the support of the community.
- “Gotta find the exit… Gotta find that exit, to Paradise!” 10th anniversary.11 June 2018
- I can’t. I feel like that pervy teacher in a porn!26 July 2012
- It’s called being fashionably late, fuckface!21 June 2011
- C3F is back!! Welcome to our new community forums!3 April 2019
- The Anime Crisis Center returns!24 March 2019