Limited Collector’s Ultimate Special Director’s Cut Edition with exclusive content
About the title: I know… long title is long… but the long title could be longer since there are plenty of other words I could’ve added in there such as “deluxe” and “hardened” or whatever… you know, to make it sound more important and make you seem more awesome for reading it.
I like “special” edition versions of games as much as the next guy. After all, when a game I like comes out that comes in a really nice case with exclusive art comes out, I think it’s a pretty cool thing to get since it’s relevant to my interests. After all, greed isn’t such a bad thing if you have the means to pursue what you want… even if a lot of what you get in the Special Edition packs is pretty useless or will be thrown into some dark corner a week after you get it.
Some are great, others start getting ridiculous and then there are those that go beyond ridiculous with multiple tiered versions of their special editions, each more special than the last.
In the past I found it easy to choose from with these kinds of things. You either got the regular version for a standard price, or you paid a little bit more and got a nice steel book case with some nice exclusive art and maybe even an extra disc with a “making of” video on it.
Nowadays, it’s an entirely different business with many different kinds of versions of the same thing except different… kind of like how there seems to be many different versions of the same console released over a period of time with different price points to confuse and infuriate people who have an older inferior version to the superior release that they just happened to come up with…. *chokes and almost passes out as he tries to take a breath*…
There are a lot of games that do it, but I think the two most recent that come to mind is Assassin’s Creed II and Modern Warfare 2. Black, White, Hardened, Prestige… it is ridiculous, but out of the two, I think AC2 is worse because of its exclusive in-game content that people who buy the regular edition will probably never see… unless they’re released as DLC later on.
In-game exclusives piss me off, and it doesn’t matter if they come from special editions or because it’s some console exclusive. I don’t particularly like the fact that Grand Theft Auto IV has all of the DLC on the 360… Hell, even the Episodes from Liberty City version is 360 only.
I worry about what else they’re going to do to segregate people into different classes depending on how much they choose to spend on buying what should be the exact same game…
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