I fucking hate this country!
So recently on a show called Q and A down here in Australia there was talk of the R18+ rating down here in Australia and what the politicians and such who were invited on the show thought about it. Click through and watch the video embedded in this entry to see how stupid the country I live in, Australia, can get.
Here it is…
I would also like to point out that you don’t have to kill anyone in Fallout 3. You can go through the entire game without having to kill a single person, you are given a choice. Whenever I see things like this, they never give the entire truth about the game, only the “omg, you kill things” side of it. Please, PLEASE, if you’re a journalist and you’re going to do something like this, get your facts straight about what you’re talking about. I have seen supposed facts being spouted frequently on these types of discussions about video games in various media formats and they only highlight the fact that there is violence in video games and ignore pretty much every other aspect about them.
Also, and here’s the biggest issue. None of the politicians on that panel knew what the hell they were talking about. We DO have a rating system for games, we just don’t have an R18+ rating for it!
In extreme circumstances I’d move out of Australia because of their total asshattery but then where would I go? The US? Ha, (no offence to anyone) I’d rather be dead then live in the US… so I guess I’m stuck here in a country so afraid of everything that it bans a game like Fallout 3 because they’re afraid everyone will suddenly get hopped up on drugs and start killing people.
I think this entire thing stems from people being afraid of what they don’t understand, which is very encouraging in a multicultural country where the idea is to understand people of other cultures. Well, this is my culture, and I’d rather people took the time to understand at least a small part of my culture and that we’re not out to destroy your culture.
- I… This country confuses me! (IFHTC! Part 3)14 January 2009
- All we need is MA15+6 April 2011
- I fucking hate this country! Part 230 October 2008
- Welcome to Ausfailia (IFHTC! Part 4)27 June 2009
- Do not buy Australian11 June 2010