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We're back!!

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Lynk Former


For those of you who don't know me, I'm Lynk Former and I am a nobody who simply wants to start a community of like minded individuals who love anime, video games and everything in between. If it exists in popular culture where ever you may be, this is the place to post about how much you love it.

I hope to see new faces in this forum and hope that this place grows over time as it attracts new visitors. However, in the meantime, part of the reason why I created this community forums is to reunite with people out there in the world who I have not talked to in a very long time, people I knew in other forums that came before this new version of C3F.

Those people include:
  • The members of The Anime/Bubblegum Crisis Center Community Forums, the original C3F.
  • The members of LucasForums, the official forum of the LucasArts Fan Network.
  • The members of TwilightLynk, a gaming forum I started after TACC/BGCC/C3F closed.
My hopes is that I can reunite with more of the folks from these three communities and that they somehow find their way to this place...

However, I also hope that we get lots of new faces in here too to experience what the Internet was like before social media.

In the olden days of the Internet, it was like we were all part of a collection of small towns, where everyone knew each other and you could really sit down and have long conversations with one another.

In the new social media era of the Internet, we're all part of an overcrowded megalopolis where everyone is walking past each other and the only communication we have are short and simple messages as we move on with other things.

This new C3F is my dream of bringing that small town feeling back to this tiny corner of the Internet for those of you who want it back... and for the newcomers who are curious to experience that state for themselves.

Welcome, and I hope to see more of all of you!

Bob Lion54

Junior Malkavian Detective
Forum Moderator
Yay! I can't wait for more people to show up and really get this party started!

I miss old style forums, so hopefully this will be a great new hangout for us!

Lynk Former

It's going to be slow going at first, but I'm hoping once we get people joining up, it'll start accelerating :D

It'll also help if I write more articles on the website and do more to point people in the direction of these forums. Thinking of making a small banner that appears under the headings of the articles to facilitate more exposure of the forums.


Ahto Spaceport Cantina
Completely agree with the media analogy.
I found the digital permanence, lack of anonymity, and perverse incentives of social media to be annoying, and stopped using it years ago. At the same time, I find modern mass-forums distasteful and unsatisfying in their lack of community.

Very happy to be part of an old-style message board once again - and one containing a 'soul fragment' of my former internet home (LF), no less. :)


C3F Member
You mean this thread isn't to announce the live-action remake of "We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story"? And here I got all excited. :p

Seriously though folks it's good to be back.

Lynk Former

I'm not kidding myself with this project, building a community out of this place is going to take some time and a lot of effort on my part. I'm hoping I can keep people around and interested long enough for them to make connections and stick around.

The first step that I'm working on is to integrate the website with the forum so that there are more topics to talk about make comments... which means I'll be putting more time into writing articles and reviews in the future about various things.


Lifelong LFN Member
@Lynk Former I might be willing to write the occasional video game review for the site, if you decide you would like more people on the article side of things.

Lynk Former

@igyman No, it'll remain as my personal blog... mostly because that's what it was meant to be from the very start, even when it was called TwilightLynk and it was specifically gaming focused. I will be writing a lot more stuff though... got an interesting article to write next.


Its nice to be back on an oldschool style forum like this again, Social media has made things too fast paced nowadays, and its hard to find a place where you can just sit back and enjoy just talking to people about subjects you all enjoy.
I first joined BGCC back in... what 2007 (lynk can probably check that, kek) and found a small but friendly community that shared my love of the same series, and I stayed through the days of TACC.

I admit I have missed you guys over the years, and I hope we get to stay a little longer this time!
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Lynk Former

@Dama73 it's great having you back. I think you joined back in 2005/2006, actually.

I don't know if you've seen, but we also have a discord server set up... in fact, I set that up before I created this forum as a way of reuniting everyone.

This place is small and quiet at the moment, but I'm hoping it slowly picks up a little momentum. Don't want it to get SUPER busy, just be that small little community of individuals that loves to share the things they love... just like the old days.


Spammer Hitman
Forum Moderator
I'll like to think of it as Lynk's Dark Forum, a place were everybody goes and you don't have to reveal your real name