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Satisfactory - basically “Factorio 3D”


C3F Member
If you played and liked Factorio or RimWorld, you should like Satisfactory. It’s your standard mining, building, efficiency game, but in first person with really nice graphics. It is early access and I’ve read that it maxes out some peoples PC’s, but I’ve not encountered any issues or even crashes.

I am super obsessed with this game. I literally spent an afternoon demolishing and rebuilding my starting factory for MAXIMUM efficiency and OCD re-organization.

If anyone else already has a copy of the game or buys one, hit me up for some multiplayer shenanigans.

Lynk Former

I was interested, but then I saw "Epic Games Store" and I lost my interest. Is it available anywhere else?


C3F Member
eeh ... I'm not buying the single lane belts, got an extra dimension but lost another.