The shambles that is Star Wars: The Old Republic
I haven’t really said much about it until now, but awhile back I had decided to quit Star Wars: The Old Republic. The decision hadn’t come lightly and it wasn’t because I didn’t like the game any more… it was because BioWare wasn’t able to meet the ONLY condition I had that kept me playing the game. While everyone else complained about a mountain of faults, all that BioWare needed to do was this one thing and they would’ve had me playing the game FOREVER… that… didn’t last long as it turns out…
I bought the Collector’s Edition version of Star Wars: The Old Republic, bought it from GameStop and had it shipped down here to Australia. I was one of the first to get into the Early Access period and months before then I had spent hours planning out each and every one of my characters, using my beta access to fine-tune their facial features in the character creator and selecting names that would fit them and the personality I had in mind for them.
That was the dream, and for a time, it was good.
Unfortunately, on the business side for BioWare, things weren’t going so well as the initial rush of people faded away until it got to the point where they decided they’d be “nice” and allow limited character transfers to try to herd people into a small number of the more active servers available.
I refused to take part in this move because it would mean the loss of my toon names. Their identities which I worked so hard to create and grab for them on my origin server of Vornskr is all important to me… so I stayed on Vornskr instead of moving any of them onto The Harbinger. After the transfers I found that I was the only one left on Vornskr, though I had no interest in playing at the time since the whole situation made me a little depressed and turned me off of the game for a while.
I unsubscribed from the game and there it sat idle for months. I knew that eventually forced transfers would occur and that would mean that inevitably my toons would all lose their identities no matter what I did. That day has finally come and now the final nail in the coffin has been hammered in… when the server consolidations occur tomorrow, I’m uninstalling Star Wars: The Old Republic from my PC and it will be over for good. The only reason I kept it installed all this time was because of some small hope I kept that the game would get me to continue playing just a little bit more, at least for the sake of the individual class stories, but no. That time has passed now and I have to move on from this entire shambles of a game that has made me waste way too much money.
Maybe I’ll do one final entry related to the game talking about the toons that I have lost… but in the meantime I don’t really have much else to say about the game. It was fun for a while, I don’t hold a grudge or any hate against it, it just stopped being worth the time, effort and money in my eyes.
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