Killing zombies gives me total wood!
Yes, it’s finally time to say goodbye to Twilight Lynk and “hey there sexy” to Lynk Former… no, wait, don’t do that, that’s just weird since I’m using my own name for this site. Just say a respectful “hey” or “yo” or something… *looks around*
So now that we’re here in this new place, why change out of Twilight Lynk?
Tomorrow, or rather, today in a few hours (since I’ve stayed up all night to make this place presentable to be able to post this entry) I’ll be off to the post office to pick up my very long package… you’ll see what I mean by “very long package” once I take pics of what’s inside. It’s going to be exciting, I can’t wait!
While Twilight Lynk only really dealt with video game related articles, I’ve created this site to talk about absolutely EVERYTHING that interests me, not just video games. That’s why the name of this web site is “Lynk Former” straight after me. Sure, in many ways this place will be the personal blog of some guy no one knows, but at the same time, the content that I post up is going to be rich enough that people who happen by it on their way across the net will still get something good out of what is posted here.
I’m ready to go and start a new chapter of my online life, stay tuned!
- I think it’s time we blow this scene, get everybody and the stuff together…1 August 2012
- It’s called being fashionably late, fuckface!21 June 2011
- Mega Twilight Lynk16 May 2010
- Lynk designs4 November 2008
- Twilight Lynk redesign18 October 2008
Hello, lynkformer,com.
At least you're less likely to get Twilight people showing up all confused now. Still miss the forums though. Bob Forum Lion. roar
Why the **** am I reading about a "very long package"? :D
@mimartin: because you love it, mimsy...
well, the forums ill miss but still watching the site nontheless (: it does give some usefull insight to quite a few things so ill stick around (:
@kin37ik: If you have any suggestions for the new site, I'm willing to hear what you've got.
@Lynk Former: I suggest forums be added. :p
@Bob Lion54: yeah, so that you don't use them like you did with the last one...