It’s game time!
Hey, I’m Lynk Former, creator of this brand new video game community site called “Twilight Lynk.”
I know a lot of gamers out there don’t have much patience. At least that’s what I gather when I look around the net. So I decided to create a community environment where gamers can come and interact freely with other gamers. I’ll be posting up articles voicing my opinion as a regular every day gamer and in turn will encourage you to respond with your thoughts. Whether we agree with each other on issues is beside the point, what this place aims to do is to let you express yourself and have fun doing it.
And yeah, I want this site to be #1. It’s going to be a long, hard road, but who knows? Could kick ass. Could be dangerous. Could totally suck. What do you say, bro? Join me, let’s see how far we can take this. And for you there holding the mouse in hand right now? Just click register now! Let the madness begin!
/ end introduction with No More Heroes references thrown in just for fun.
Who are you meant to be?
Who am I? I call myself “Lynk Former” on the net because my real name isn’t very interesting at all. You can call me “Lynk” though… and of course, I’m not anyone important. I don’t work in the video game industry in any way or have any connections to anyone in the video game industry. What I am, is an ordinary gamer who happens to know how to tinker around with stuff on the net to make a web site.
For anything else you want to know about me, come and find out for yourself through the forums. I’ll be on there a lot, interacting with the rest of you.
What this place is about
As stated in the introduction, Twilight Lynk is a blog where I have the opportunity to share my views about the various things going on in the video game industry. So then why would this interest you? Because you get to share your views as well in an easy to use community environment. Let me explain more…
How this place works
By now you’re probably thinking, “oh great, another blog on the net…” which is fair enough, however, Twilight Lynk is a little different than most other blogs.
With a lot of blogs, especially the ones relating to video games, you feel the need to express your opinion and interact with other people commenting on a specific article. Normal blogs make this hard for you to do, but Twilight Lynk makes this easy by combining the blog with a forum environment.
Twilight Lynk allows users to interact with their fellow gamers while also being able to comment on the articles at the same time. This allows for discussion and debate which can last for as long as you want, well after the article has reached the darkest depths of the archives. If you want to reignite a discussion about an article, just visit the Blog forum, find a thread and post a message and that thread will instantly be pulled back up to the top of the list.
Plus, there are two ways of browsing through the blog entries. If you want to view them in chronological order, by category or by date, simply view the Blog side of Twilight Lynk. However, if you want to view blog entries which have the latest comments made in them, or are having a discussion and want to be able to follow along easily, then view the Forum side of Twilight Lynk.
The only requirement to take part in this community is to register yourself as a member. Don’t worry though, membership is completely free and takes no time at all. Just sign up and you’re ready to join in on the discussions.
If it seems confusing at first, don’t worry. Once you get the hang of how things work here, I think you’ll begin to appreciate it and enjoy the experience.
I hope this place finds success and I hope it can become an environment where gamers of all kinds can come and have fun… at least in between the times we’re not busy having fun by playing video games themselves.
- It’s game time!11 June 2008
- It’s called being fashionably late, fuckface!21 June 2011
- Hyper Twilight Lynk20 March 2011
- Mega Twilight Lynk16 May 2010
- This isn’t a battle anymore; it’s a motherfucking war!1 June 2010
Hey Lynk! Looking forward to interacting with the community on both the blog and the forum. Its an interesting concept that should work out well. See everyone around!
And so it begins.
looking forward to seeing how this place will do Lynk.
And so it begins indeed.
Hope this site has more potential for growth than YOUKNOWWHAT
Lynk Former wrote: Who are you meant to be?
As you no doubt have guessed I am Morpheus.
Nice on finally opening your site Lynk \0/
Also nice first post XP
I think it'd be nice if the site became active aswell =D
Oh yeah, I'd just like to point out that my first real article will be posted up soon... but not THAT soon
I've spent three weeks straight trying to get this place up and running. I need a break *dies* In the meantime, welcome aboard to all the new members.
Also, not long into the future, I'll be putting ad banners at the top (just under the menu bar), at the bottom (just before the footer) and various other places around the site... Don't worry, they won't be too annoying, but it's needed since this place does cost money to run.